A University for the Soul to find true Fulfillment, Purpose & Abundance in your Business & Life
"Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Woman who wants to move away from unfulfillment, exhaustion, lack of direction into Purpose, Renewed Passion, Impact & Abundance."

Ready for your Soul's next level ?
Do you feel you are meant for more?
Your work/business isn't fulfilling you like it used to?
Your good at what you're doing, it's working & bringing in good money but the joy isn't there anymore.
You're going through the motions, like a routine, the passion diminishing month after month.
As a result your business isn't growing, and you're tired, exhausted, maybe reaching the point
of burn-out.
And you have no idea how to move forward, how to find clarity, direction and purpose again. Or maybe you have an idea of what you could be doing next, but you're not sure if this secret project is right and the idea of starting over is daunting... "What if it doesn't work?", "What if you waste your time?", "You should be grateful for what you've already build"
Well beautiful,
This is happening because your Soul has something else in store for you.
She is ready for your next chapter,
That next level of expansion, success, service, purpose, joy, fulfillment, abundance,
I am sure you can feel it too.
➡ This is where the Mystery School can support you.
This 9-mo soul embodiment journey is designed to help you find direction, purpose and fulfillment so you can have an aligned career where you passionately serve others with your gifts and receive overflowing abundance.
Next Cohort Dates: November 1st, 2024 - September 1st, 2025

Do you feel the call of a deep soul transformation and are ready to live your Soul's Purpose?

Re-member who you truly are...
You've probably already tried to find clarity by going to see a healer, a psychic or an astrologer. And while it brought you some insights, you can't seem to pinpoint what your next steps could be and why you are suddenly feeling lost, unfulfilled, lacking the joy that use to be there.
In a world that is overstimulating, praising a go-go-go mindset, disregarding intuition and emotions, pressuring you to be a certain way although you feel that you don’t fit in, there is very little room for the silence and sacredness that would help you find answers and remember who you truly are and who you came here to be.
On top of that, you can feel that the old, patriarchic, paradigm is falling and Something new is birthing. And we are in tremendous need of women in their power. Magicians, Witches, Creatives, Leaders, Heart-Centred Entrepreneurs like you. This is why, you are suddenly feeling unfulfilled...
You are here to serve the emerging paradigm and the Mystery School will help you uncover how.
Embodying your Soul is the ONLY way to find true
fulfillment, direction and purpose.
This Soul Embodiment Journey will bring you in alignment with your essence so
that you can finally make the impact you came here to make & receive overflowing abundance.
Find Fulfillment, Joy & Passion again
According to society's standard, you've made it...but you're not fulfilled. You feel ashamed because you feel you should be grateful for everything you have. This is happening because your soul, YOU are ready to expand and embrace your next level.
Get clear on your Direction and Purpose
You want to get clear on your next steps & your soul's purpose. You're ready to surrender to the greater plan meant for you and want to co-create with Spirit a Life beyond your wildest dreams. Let's dive into the esoteric & hidden wisdom that will quantum leap your spiritual, professional & personal Life.
Serve passionately & make a soulful impact with your Gifts
You're not sure about your Soul Gifts but you're determined to activate them, and embrace your feminine, intuitive, gifted essence to passionately serve others and support the emerging paradigm. It's time to fully express who you came here to be.

"Life-Changing Wisdom"
“Eléonore’s embodiment of the tools she offers is unparalleled, and she is incredibly gifted at translating the feminine mysteries into accessible, practical applications.”
Makhosi Nejeser, The Royal Shaman
The most potent way to find fulfillment and alignment

WHY a Mystery School?
Mystery schools have been existing since the dawn of time. They offer teachings that lead to an aligned, empowered, enlightened life. We call these teachings "Mystery Teachings" because they teach about the Mysteries of Life and the Mystery that you are. They contain deeper layers that are revealed to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear - those who are ready to learn about the invisible, spiritual aspect of Life.
As a spiritual being having a human experience, the only way you can express your highest potential and who you really are, is to dive into Spiritual Teachings. These are offered in Mystery Schools and are designed to awaken and activate your highest potential & purpose.
Many thought leaders, philosophers, artists have gone to Mystery Schools such as Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Pythagore, Hippocrates, Cicero, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, William Blake, William Shakespeare, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, Queen Elizabeth II,... and have become who we know them to be thanks to these schools and their initiations.
This Mystery School will awaken the thought leader in you as well. Are you ready to be
empowered with the right knowledge, wisdom, practices, healing and integration to help you step into who you came here to be?

"Completely Life Changing"
The Mystery School was one of the most profound experience of my Life. Ele, you changed my life. You taught me how to truly feel, heal and embrace the truth of who I really am!"
Charlyn, Transformational Coach, Florida

A Mystery School for Spiritual Women Entrepreneurs
Who is this for?
The Sacred Roots Mystery School is for every woman entrepreneur READY TO:
Find true fulfillment, Joy & Passion in your work
Serve others with your gifts and feel like you are paid to be wildly yourself
Have clear Direction & Purpose
Answer your Soul's Calling
Express your Highest Potential and dormant parts of you
Be the Thought Leader, the Wise Woman, the Healer, the Change maker you came here to be
Dive into Ancient Wisdom, Feminine Mysteries and the truth of who you are
This University for the Soul will change YOU and your perspective on yourself, Life and the world.
It will make you grow spiritually, personally, professionally, romantically and financially,
as all these areas of Life are intertwined.
As a result, you'll show up as a better mom, a greater friend, a more supportive wife, a sexier lover, a wiser sister, a more impactful entrepreneur, a magnetic leader, an inspiring speaker, a heart-opening artist, ...
Concretely, how will my Life look during and after these 9 months?
🌙 Learning teachings that deeply resonate and ring true to your heart and soul
🌙 Feeling deeply activated and empowered after each call, leaving with a smile on your face
🌙 Finding clarity and direction as the wisdom of the seasons guides your transformation
🌙 Receiving clear and powerful guidance in your meditations/spiritual practices
🌙 Having incredibly intuition and womb wisdom you confidently trust for all your decision making
🌙 Waking up on a random Monday morning with 4 DMs from ideal clients
🌙 Signing new contracts and clients you are so excited and inspired to work with
🌙 Having MORE energy after working with clients than before the call
🌙 Receiving frequent invitations to podcast and speaking gigs
🌙 Having deep, more intimate conversations and connection with your partner & friends
🌙 Finding the perfect publisher and book deal for this book you've been wanting to write for years
🌙 Connecting and Collaborating with other women entrepreneurs & influencers you only hoped to work with a year ago
🌙 Expressing all of yourself, not holding anything back without any fear of other people's judgment
🌙 Inviting your whole family on a luxurious holiday to visit the Sacred Sites of Egypt or Macchu Picchu
🌙 Dancing with soul sisters under the full moon during our Sacred Feminine Retreat
🌙 Coming home after this retreat feeling soul nourished and more alive, aligned than ever before
🌙 Mothering your children with limitless patience, compassion, deep connection and groundedness

"I stepped into a new, unexpected, aligned path"
“The Mystery School has opened a new path for my career and my new offer started selling effortlessly. No matter how deep you already are on your spiritual journey, you will be activated by this initiation.
Kubra Ozguvenc, Spiritual Guide, Healer, Astrologer & Artist, Brussels
Deep Spiritual Journey
Divine Feminine
Awaken, Heal and Embody your Feminine Energy, Her-Story, Feminine Gifts, Womb Wisdom, Sacred Sexuality
Divine Masculine
Embrace the protective, nurturing Masculine that is there to support the feminine and create Sacred Union
Learn about the journey, the anatomy, the wounds of the Soul and embrace your soul's purpose
Sacred Sounds & Geometry
Harness the power of Sacred Sounds & Sacred Geometry to merge with Soul & access unity
Energy Healing
Learn the basis of Energy Healing, 7 chakras, 7 bodies, and how to protect yourself as an empath
5 Principles of Life
Life is ruled by 5 principles that offer you a greater understanding of why we are here
Sacred Sites & Earth Chakras
Earth Chakras, Ley Lines, Stone Circles & How to prepare yourself for Sacred Sites
Moon Mysteries & Season's Wisdom
Dive into the cyclical nature and Wisdom of the Moon, and Season
And so much more...

Why you can NO LONGER afford to ignore your soul's calling
You are a Spiritual being with a Human Purpose
As a spiritual being having a human experience, you signed up for this journey to support the evolution of your own soul, but also for the evolution of the collective, humanity. You will not uncover this purpose by leading with your rational, human mind, but by learning to listen to the whispers of your soul, embody your soul and let her take her lead fully. How much of your life is soul and purpose-led?
Exhaustion, Burn-out, Illness down the line of your soul's "no more"
You're unfulfilled. You know you're meant for more. These are the first signs of your soul inviting you to look towards another direction. If you don't listen, the signs will become louder, turning into exhaustion, burn-out and potentially illness. Don't wait for it to get so bad your body has to stop you.
Your gifts and essence are other people's medicine
We're keys and activators for each other, all meant to serve and support each other. You not stepping into your truth and purpose means you are not fulfilling certain of your soul contracts. You didn't come here alone, but with a soul family you choose to help, serve, guide in a way that only you can, because you are unique, there's no other you. Get out of your own way and allow Joy and Fulfillment to guide you on this path of Purpose and Service.
We are the change we've been waiting for
Your visions, dreams and desires for your life and the collective are not a coincidence. They are seeds planted in your mind because you are meant to birth them. But they will not happen by fighting the current, broken system. They will unfold when you allow your soul to take the lead, be fully expressed and find the courage, wisdom and support system to help you thrive.

An Immersive, Life-Changing Experience

- 28 x 90min Live Lectures (weekly)
Dive into Ancient Wisdom, Mystery Teachings and Practical practices that will awaken your soul, your gifts, your purpose, and give you clarity on your direction

- 7 x 2H Healing Circles
Receive in depth 1-1 Support and Mentoring in a smaller container of 6 women
- 2 x Live Ceremonies
An Opening & Closing Ceremony during which we call in your Soul, Spirit Guides & The Divine

- Weekly Workbooks
Integrate the work with a weekly workbook related to the lectures released
- Audios & Videos of the Spiritual Practices
Receive additional audios, and videos of the spiritual practice you'll be guided to do

- Ongoing support on the Private Portal
Ask questions and receive support 24/7 on our private portal on Mighty Networks
- Life-time Access
Receive life-time access to the content. Watch it and re-watch it in your own time.

- 4-day Retreat on the Sunshine Coast of BC, Canada
Let's go even deeper during this in-person retreat, with experiential workshops, a 1-1 Soul Activation, Fire Ceremony, Cacao Ceremony, and other Soul Nourishing activities that will leave you ready to take on the world.
(ALL INCLUDED, you simply need to plan the transport + flight to the location)
⬇️ Retreat Testimonials ⬇️

"Alignment & going deep within"
The Mystery School offered me a much wider perspective on Life, taught me to go deep within while feeling safe, create a more aligned version of myself and meet soul sisters. It was amazing!

"I unlocked my highest potential"
Ele saw a potential beyond what I could not see and helped me come home to myself, honour who I am and know my purpose. I am whole again. As a result, clients came effortlessly to me and I just launched the most aligned program.
Shannon Clarke, Wild Woman Coach, Ottawa
The value for this program is well
OVER $75,000
and packed full of next-level support.

The Mystery School
- 28 Live Lectures
- 7 Healing Circles
- 2 Live Ceremonies
- 4-day Retreat in September 2024
- Weekly Workbooks & Course Material
- Audios, Videos of Spiritual Practices
- Ongoing support on private portal
- Life-time access to all recordings
+ Bonuses (value $1999)
The Mystery School
- 28 Live Lectures
- 7 Healing Circles
- 2 Live Ceremonies
- 4-day Retreat in September 2024
- Weekly Workbooks & Course Material
- Audios, Videos of Spiritual Practices
- Ongoing support on private portal
- Life-time access to all recordings
- 6 x 60min 1-1 Mentoring Session
- 2 x 60min Akashic Record Readings
+ Bonuses (value $1999)
PLUS! You also receive $1999 worth of BONUSES and RESOURCES when you enroll today!
We are incredibly blessed to have 3 Spiritual Leaders as guest teachers for a BONUS WORKSHOP inside the Mystery School. Your mind and soul will be wildly expanded by their presence & teachings.
BONUS Workshop 1: Merge with your Soul, with Balinese High Priest Ida Rsi Wisesantha

Ida Rsi Wisesantha is a very much respected High Priest from Bali. He is the Founder of Soul School, a school training Indonesians and Foreigners into merging with their soul and stepping into Spiritual Leadership.
Ida Rsi is one of the main Spiritual Leaders of Bali, entrepreneurs, shamans, wise men, healers, and spiritual seekers fly in from all around the world to meet him, learn from him and receive his guidance.
We are incredibly lucky to have his presence inside the Mystery School, as this is the first time he has accepted to teach a workshop inside someone else's container.
BONUS Workshop 2: Spirituality & Money, with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser

Hi, I'm Makhosi, the Royal Shaman.
I help high-achievers tap into ancient spiritual wisdom in a modern, practical way that resonates with people from all walks of life to create satisfying success in the real world consciously.
I work privately with a select handful of clients to develop a potent pathway to a sacred and soul-fulfilling life in pure & straightforward ways.
BONUS Workshop 3: Connecting with the Unseen, with Sabrina Lynn Founder of Rewilding

Sabrina Lynn is a spiritual teacher, creator of the ReWilding Way for both men and women, and founder of ReWilding for Women.
She taught thousands of people to REWILD and loves to have a conversation with you about how to be alive, awake & in alignment with your soul!
Her work will deepen your journey into body wisdom activation & embodiment, shadow work, feminine reclamation, the evolution of your inner masculine, the mystical union of the feminine & masculine energies within, alchemy & co-creation with the divine, soul mastery & sacred callings.
I am offering you additional bonuses and resources to support and elevate your experience inside the Mystery School. I cannot wait for you to experience these:
Release Fear of Judgment
Whenever fear of rejection, criticism, or feeling like you don't belong hits you,
Grab this workbook that will help you release it and replace it with a sense of wholeness, safety and love.
Meditation Bundle
5 Meditations to support your awakening and connection to your soul:
- Divine Feminine Mediation
- Surrender Meditation
- Isis Meditation
- Grounding Meditation
- Yoga Nidra
Sacred Music Spotify Playlists
4 Playlists to elevate your frequency and support your healing journey inside the school:
- Sacred Songs for Joy
- Sacred Music for inspiration
- Meditation, Yoga & Mantras
- Feminine Mysteries & Goddess Song
4 Pre-recorded workshops with Ele
- The Energy of Money (value $399)
- Reiki for Abundance ( value $199)
- Protect your Energy as an Empath (value $199)
- Breathwork Practice (value $199)
60 DAYS to test the Mystery School!
You have 60-days to put the Mystery School to the test. 60 days to see if we are the right fit.
I can do that, because I believe in this program so much, that I am willing to wait patiently for you to take action on everything that is waiting for you inside.
If you're dissatisfied after 60 days, email us and you'll receive a FULL REFUND.

"I healed trauma & made 6-fig in my business"
Eleonore helped me reconnect with myself, be more confident, love myself and start my career as a painter. I healed traumas and moved in my feminine energy which helped my have my first 6-figure year in my business!
Olivia, London, Painter, @oliviadeposson
Who was the Mystery School created for?
This 9-month rebirth journey is the most powerful and aligned way to get clear on your direction, purpose and find fulfillment. Learning and integrating the Mysteries & Ancient Wisdom, will make you unstoppable and ready to take on the world!
Find Fulfillment, Joy & Passion again
According to society's standard, you've made it...but you're not fulfilled. You feel ashamed because you feel you should be grateful for everything you have. This is happening because your soul, YOU are ready to expand and embrace your next level.
Get clear on your Direction and Purpose
You want to get clear on your next steps & your soul's purpose. You're ready to surrender to the greater plan meant for you and want to co-create with Spirit a Life beyond your wildest dreams. Let's dive into the esoteric & hidden wisdom that will quantum leap your spiritual, professional & personal Life.
Serve in alignment with your Soul & unique Gifts
You're not sure about your Soul Gifts but you're determined to activate them, and embrace your feminine, intuitive, psychic essence to passionately serve others and support the emerging paradigm. It's time to fully express who you came here to be.
Reclaim your Howl

"Healing, Confidence & Abundance"
6 months into Ele's vortex and my life completely changed! Ele taught me to be in my power and accept myself for who I am. I healed family blockages and past trauma's as well. Today, I experience much more joy and flow in my daily life and my business had its first 15k & 22k months!
Lisa, Brussels, Nutritionnist and Mindful Eating Coach, @onebiteatatime

"Clarity on my genius and abundance of clients!"
Working with Ele is deeply transformative. I now have clarity on my genius, pivoted my business and got 5 new clients in the first month of working together. 3 months later, I had 5 clients in 5 days! I feel so in flow and excited for what's to come!
Farrah, Intuitive Song Doula & Song Medicine, @farrahtheresa

"Life-changing; health, money, love & direction"
“Working with Ele was a life-changing investment. I gained clarity on my purpose, saved my relationship, lost weight, let go of my past and stepped fully in my power. A few months later I even sold my business and made 150k cash! I cannot recommend her enough!”
Paula, CEO, Brussels
One of the most profound experiences of your life
Applications will be taken for our next cohort until March 10th

Why should you learn from me?